Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Vat Meat... Yum!

Ok, I can see it now. The frankenfood-phobes are going to go nuts. But greens and people who are interested in health and animal welfare should cheer the efforts to produce lab-grown meat. This article on talks about one company that is trying to make the rotisserie-chicken version of a breadmaker. I think this a great idea. I just hope that it tastes like the real thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it all taste like chicken anyway? oh and "we haven't studied all the long term effects, blah blah blah." Wah wah wah. you big cry babies. It is people like that preventing real progress from taking place. I am still a huge fan of the Tomacco. And yes someone really did take Homer Simpson's advice and cross a tomatto with a tobacco plant.,1286,61091,00.html now if we can only get people to admit to the exisitance of the kwyjibo.