Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Song of Fire and Ice

I believe that I recently mentioned my interest in George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones. Well, given that reading is one of the few recreational activities that I can consistently find time for, I've finally made it to his most recent A Feast of Crows. The Last book, A Storm of Swords, took a long time to read. But the last half of the 1000+ page epic seemed to whip right by. Alas, I'm currently crawling through the new book, mostly because I haven't developed a stake in the new characters that he's introduced.

In related news, check out this item over at the Sci Fi Wire. Looks like HBO may make A Song Of Ice And Fire the next Deadwood. They are also making a series out of Vertigo's Preacher. Yippee. I can't wait to see how they turn out. Right now, my wife an I use most of our Netflix rentals on HBO series (and Battlestar Galactica). The quality is consistently better than most movies and we don't have to find more than 45 minutes of our busy schedule to watch an episode.


Anonymous said...

I give you credit that was one series I had to put down. I had a hard time with it not going anywhere. Had the same problem with The Wheel of Time. I am currently enjoying Fragile Things on my iPod. I also recently picked up "Murder Mysteries" it is done as a radio production for Seeing Ear on SciFi. Not sure what I plan to tackle next.



Unknown said...

Never read "Wheel of Time", but I got "Fragile Things" for Christmas. I love anything by Gaiman. I can't wait to read it.