Friday, December 08, 2006


In an effort to squeeze more productivity out of my limited personal time, I have been looking for software that could organize my creative process. I experimented with mind maps like The Brain and eventually settled on KeyNote, which I have been using successfully for over two years. But what I have really been looking for is what I just found over at Lifehacker. TiddlyWiki (and it's GTD TiddlyWiki variant) promises to be just what the doctor ordered. I'm hoping to use to organize all my RPG development and it looks especially promising for keeping track of convulted continuities. My only concern is that my file will collapse under the weight of everything that I hope to put into it.


Anonymous said...

Let us know how it works out for you. I have been looking at doing something similar but for now am relying on my legal pad for portable note taking and reference. It hasn't colapsed yet. After the new year I hope to start my GURPS Campagin up again on a more regular basis, maybe once or twice a month.

Billy D.

Unknown said...

So far, so awesome. But I'm at ~300K right now and have tons of stuff to put into it. I've read that you start to encounter performance issues after 1 MB. But for user-friendliness, it can't be beat. I love how it makes cross-referencing characters and plot threads and such so easy.

Anonymous said...

So does this mean we'll return to Dragonspire soon!?!? With some voice of internet, we'd be having a fine time!

Anonymous said...

That 1 meg bump is really only there if you are using your TW over the net (especially dial-up). All it really is is your browser going "Dang, this is a big file". The major thing that will make your file big quickly is plugins.

Unknown said...

Bill - love to return to Dragonspire over the net in the new year. But, alas, I can't ommit until I at least get my face-to-face game back into shape.

Kengirard -- welcome to the site. Thanks for the tip about TiddlyWiki. I'm not using it over the net, so maybe I won't have problems. One encouraging note is that it is not growing as fast as I thought it would. Only at 400K so far and things still look great.