Friday, August 17, 2007

Missing GenCon

GenCon Indy is this weekend and I'm a little bummed, especially since I'm missing my long lost (due to baby) EN World friends and all the D&D 4e madness. Instead I'll be spending the week with the family in Hilton Head. Since I'll be visiting my good friend Professor Pope on the way back, I'll get my D&D fix talking with him. And D&D 4e won't be released until next year anyway.

Actually, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the new edition. I wasn't much of a D&D fan until Third Edition came along. But I've got over my anti-D&D bias and have learned welcome our Munchkin overlords. Fourth Edition may improve the game. It may even introduce some really kick-ass tools to facilitate player over the Internet. The economics of it bother me a bit, and I'm a bit annoyed at the prospect of shelling out for yet another set of rulebooks.

Anyway, I suspect I'll be blogging more on 4e in the future.


Anonymous said...

I saw some of the hype on 4th Ed. on a couple of sites and to while I haven't played D&D in years I think it will come down to the whole Vista vs. XP debate all over again. some are perfectly happy with 3rd Ed and some will more than likely pick up 4th Ed. Market forces have a way of balancing things out.

GeneD5 said...

Tim, I hope that you're able to get the hang of juggling the various demands on your time, and I hope that all's well with Christy and da boyz!

Although I've enjoyed other rules systems, most of the role-players I've met are familiar with Dungeons & Dragons, and I hope that next summer's Fourth Edition will again streamline the storytelling and reinvigorate our hobby. I've been closely following WotC's previews and online discussions, and I expect to be an early adopter -- after all, publishers need to stay in business...

I also hope that the online component will be good, since my teleconferencing party has been occasionally stymied with problems with Skype and Fantasy Grounds. When you find the time, happy gaming!

Unknown said...

I'm sort of 4e agnostic, though I have liked what I've seen of the proposed rule changes (see the various design diaries at Wizards' site and EN World). The online play has me potentially excited, but I know that it will be very difficult to make a product that is actually useful for online play.